They say a bad workman blames their tools, but a good bartender understands how important they are. Choosing the right bar equipment can have a massive impact on the speed and efficiency with which you can put up your cocktails, and save many headaches further down the line.
Tag: bar equipment
However, the thing he couldn’t live without – was foot pedal-activated taps. “Once you have worked with foot pedal tap, it is so hard to go back; they just make sense and become part of your movement behind the bar,” says Conor O’Brien.
It was the burgeoning ice trade that elevated the barkeep from a man filling glasses with liquor to a conjuror of magical mixes.
They say a poor workman blames his tools. Fine and dandy if you’re a workman-like bartender. If you’re in a venue which expects you to more craftsman than journeyman however it might pay to make sure you’re well equipped.